Monday, November 30, 2009

What would interest you?

I'm going to try to do some interviews here in the coming weeks. Being part of Petsjubilee on Etsy, puts me in contact with so many knowledgeable pet people. Whenever anyone has a pet question, there's usually at least 5 people who are able to chime in and have a solution.

If there is any pet related topic of interest that you would like to see here, please let me know, either by leaving a comment or emailing me at


SassySashadoxie said...

I would think some interesting ones would be:

1. holiday safety tips for pets You could interview a ER vet.

2. Housebraking tips, including training and how to throughly clean up accidents

A couple ideas to start with.

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

How about best way to remove pet hair from rugs, furniture, clothes?

I thought of the various items that are dangerous or poisonous to dogs and/or cats. I guess you could get a list of these on line, but perhaps people would like to discuss them or see them here.

I'll think about some more.